Friday, December 5, 2014

New adventures and a blog revived.

Giving thanks for family, friends, good health and the continuing opportunities to bring Theodore Roosevelt to life for appreciative audiences throughout the country.

I give thanks for my wife and business partner, Jenny, whose consistent help and reminders are such a vital part of the Teddy Roosevelt Show.  Jenny and I have been an item for nearly thirty years now, and it just keeps getting better.  Many of my customers have enjoyed Jenny's assistance, follow up, attention to details, and her ability to help get me from point A to point C via point Z.

As we've moved our home and headquarters from our beloved Sewanee, Tennessee, to a cozy beach community nearby San Diego, California, Jenny and I are bringing a new, leaner and more vigorous business and web operation into existence, just at the same time that I work on bringing a leaner and more vigorous TR to the stage and screen.  It's going well.

Along the way, this blog has suffered from benign neglect, defunct email addresses and forgotten passwords leaving this Luddite dead in the water technologically.  Well, just at the point where I was ready to cross over to Wordpress and start fresh, Jenny was able to resurrect an old password that gave a good clue and poof, here we are, back live on the original blog.  New password written down. Fun Teddy Roosevelt and TR Joe adventures ahead.  I look forward to sharing with you some wonderful stories of the inspiring people I meet on my travels, mixed in with some tremendous history and more.

It's good to be back.

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